
Front-End Developer Interview Checklist

144 views - 3 min read

Front-End Developer Interview Checklist

This checklist for front-end developer interviews is specifically designed for React JS developers. Except for the React JS part, much info in other sections will make you an outstanding candidate. Feel free to look into the React js section you migh...View More

interviewinterview questionsFrontend Developmentfront-endReactReactHooksWeb Developmentwebdevinterview preparationsInterview tipssoftware developmentSoftware Engineeringsoftware architecture


37 views - 4 min read


Hey Devs, Imagine attending an interview, and the interviewer asks you to sort an array without using built-in methods. It is a common interview question for beginners to test their understanding of a particular programming language. What would you d...View More

algorithmsdata structuresJavaScriptsorting algorithmssortingQuick Sort

To-do App with HTML, CSS and Javascript

21 views - 8 min read

To-do App with HTML, CSS and Javascript

Introduction Hey, Developers, Let's build a simple to-do app using only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—no frameworks or libraries involved. This hands-on project will serve as an excellent starting point for beginners, providing insights into how JavaScri...View More

todoappTODOLISTHTML5CSSJavaScriptBeginner DevelopersprojectsResponsive Web Design

Understanding the Mono Repo: A Comprehensive Guide

21 views - 3 min read

Understanding the Mono Repo: A Comprehensive Guide

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, optimizing workflows and maintaining codebases efficiently is paramount. One approach gaining traction is the adoption of a Monorepository, or "Mono Repo" for short. This blog will delve into th...View More

monorepomonolithic architecturearchitectureversion controlGitHubGitsoftware developmentproject management

JavaScript Interview Program

117 views - 4 min read

JavaScript Interview Program

Question: Given a string exp, Write a program to check whether the parentheses, curly braces, and square brackets Test Case 1: //input const exp = "{()}[]" //output Balanced Test Case 2: //input const exp = "{(]}[(" //output Not Balanced The proble...View More
